Monday 19 September 2022

Unit 1 Great Storytelling - Vocabulary

Vocabulary Time

Go to the study sets at Quizlet and learn new vocabulary.

1 Types of films


Unit 1 The Art of Storytelling - 2 Character

Characters are at the heart of every film Pixar makes; they’re the individuals we follow on the journey of every story.  In this lesson you’ll explore how character development drives the storytelling process at Pixar, and you’ll start thinking about creating characters for your own stories.  

Tutorial 1 : What makes someone a good storyteller?

Hear from Pixar directors and story artists about how they got their start, what stories inspire them, and you’ll begin to think about what kinds of stories you might want to tell.

Image result for pixar characters

Unit 1 Great Storytelling - The Art of Storytelling (Khan Academy)

Unit 1 Great Storytelling

The Art of Storytelling

What makes someone a good storyteller?

Hear from Pixar directors and story artists about how they got their start, what stories inspire them, and you’ll begin to think about what kinds of stories you might want to tell.

Image result for pixar characters

Multimodal Texts: Teacher Creations (SEED Project)

Multimodal text incorporates traditional text as well as pictures, videos, sound and music. All of these elements can be combined to make a more interactive and meaningful experience for the reader.

Here are some examples from your teachers:

Mrs. Lai:

Ms. Ng:

Mr. Kasseris:

Mr. Ho

Unit 1 Great Storytelling (SEED Project)

Unit 1 Great Storytelling (SEED project)

Text 1

Jenny's Station 

Text 2

Spirited away by amazing animation

The multimodal texts on Adobe Spark Video:

Google survey

My Favourite Films



